Lost Girl Wiki
Lost Girl Wiki
Nain Rouge (221)

The Nain Rouge

Little is known about how many Deities and Higher Beings exist in the Fae universe. Trick said the interjection "Gods!" several times.

The Nain Rouge is a Fae divine spirit that appears in the form of a girl.

In Lachlan's Gambit, Lachlan said that the Light Fae Wolf Spirit is a divine being.


Mnemosyne river (Book of Fae) (218)

Mnemosyne river from Book of Fae
2.18 "Fae-nted Love"

In Fae-nted Love, the existence of the river Mnemosyne is revealed. Water from the river is very rare and costs a fortune. The location of the river was not stated in the show. (In Greek mythology, the goddess Mnemosyne was the personification of memory. She was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, and the mother of the nine Muses by Zeus. Mnemosyne also presided over a pool that was a counterpart to the river of Lethe, one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld.)[1]

In Into the Dark, The Norn mentioned Gaia, the primal Greek goddess of the Earth:[2]  "What in Gaia's name are you doing?"

In ConFaegion, Trick mentioned Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love:[3]  "For the love of Aphrodite, it's cinq!"

In Like Hell Pt.1, Bo met Persephone,[4] the daughter of Demeter (daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and Greek goddess of the harvest)[5] and wife of Hades (Greek god of death and king of the underworld).[6]

Zeus, Hera, Iris, Eros and Hephaestus also appear in a number of episodes in season 5.

Middle Eastern and Mesopotamian

In Masks, a sacred Healing Mask that was given by the Goddess Ama[7] to Tshombe, a revered Shaman, was stolen from him.

Norse/Scandinavian and Germanic

Ryan Lambert is a Dark Fae Loki. (In Norse mythology there was only one Loki.)[8]

In Food for Thought, the Gleipnir is a reference to Norse Gods. (In Norse mythology, Odin had dwarfs make a slender fetter called a Gleipnir to hold the great wolf Fenrir. The god Týr lost a hand while binding the wolf with it.)[9]


  • Given the general differences between the Light Fae and Dark Fae, the Wolf Spirit could not be related to Fenrir.
  • Before it was revealed that The Ash name came from a sacred Fae tree, and the The Morrigan name came from an ancient dead warrior, some fans of Lost Girl thought that "The Ash" made reference to the ancient Egyptian god of oases (Ash), and "The Morrigan" made reference to the Irish goddess of battle, strife, and fertility (The Morrígan).


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